2. Woche – Kurse – nachmittags – 14.30-16.30
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Individuals think, feel and act according to their lifestyle. We shall try to raise the awareness of the participants to the personal goal towards which they strive and to their mistaken assumptions that lead them to that goal. Open to Youth.
As Caregivers, we must be alert to signs of distress and ‘compassion fatigue’ as we juggle time, priorities, personal and professional expectations. This course will present the latest brain research on self-nurturing and self-soothing, the warning signs of symptoms which require our active intervention for self-care, as well as strategies to ensure we live more balanced and boundaried daily lives. Open to Youth.
John Sommers-Flanagan said that “parents constitute a unique clinical population and deserve individually tailored educational and therapeutic approach.”In this course the participants will learn why and how parent counseling is different, explore ways to use encouragement with parents, practice assessing parent-child interaction through art and play. Participants will focus on techniques and strategies for parent counseling, discuss different ways to provide guidance and advice and explore their own unique way of being with parents.
Die Anforderungen der Arbeitswelt nehmen laufend zu. Ein bewusstes Stressmanagement hilft, mit den Belastungen besser umzugehen – und die beruflichen Ziele erfolgreich zu erreichen. Stress ist eine komplexe, wichtige körperliche und psychische Reaktion. Sie sorgt dafür, dass wir bei geistigen und körperlichen Herausforderungen besonders wach und handlungsfähig sind. Problematisch wird es, wenn die erzeugte Anspannung zum Dauerzustand wird, sei es durch familiäre oder berufliche Belastungen oder auch nur durch ständige kleine Ärgernisse. In diesem Kurs gehen wir den Fragen nach wie kann ich Ballast abwerfen, Abschalten, mir einen Durchblick schaffen, Gelassenheit erlangen und inneres Gleichgewicht finden? Stressbewältigung durch Achtsamkeit.
As humans we are both ‘a part of’ and ‘a-part from’ the world we live in. We have our own psychological inner world (including private logic and lifestyle), with psychological boundaries that separate us from the outside world and others. In this experiential course we examine our inner movements and the way we handle (own/ other) boundaries by using a dynamic attention-based model. Healthy self-boundary awareness enhances the quality of our relations, improve equality and social interest.
Adlerian coaching is a process designed to create significant results, emphasizes individuals’ strengths, and highlights the intersection between personal vision, values, goals, and contribution. Focusing on commitment to community development, participants will explore an initiative/ project they wish to implement in their community, create a plan that transforms their vision into reality, and present their plan to the group for encouragement and constructive feedback.
There are many definitions of family, ranging from a marital couple, a traditional parent-children family, to highly complex blended and intergenerational families. These constellations can be a source of support and joy, but also of conflicts. On the basis of the Adler-Dreikurs model, a systemic family perspective is introduced to understand the difficulties and to elaborate an attempt at a solution. Problem situations presented by the participants will serve as examples for experiential learning by means of the sculpting technique as well as others. Open to Youth.
Freundschaften werden aus verschiedenen Gründen immer wichtiger, teilweise übernehmen sie Aufgaben, die früher Familien getragen haben. In dem Kurs beschäftigen wir uns mit der Bedeutung und dem Wert der Freundschaften. Wir lernen verschiedene Arten von Freundschaften kennen. Wir setzen uns mit unseren Freundschaften und unserem Freundschaftsnetz auseinander, sowie der Pflege von Freundschaften und dem Gewinnen neuer Freunde. Wir stellen uns die Frage, was macht eine gute Freundschaft aus und wie können wir selbst gute Freunde sein. Wir wollen Freundschaften als wichtigen Teil der Lebensaufgabe Gemeinschaft begreifen. Zu erkennen, welche tiefe Befriedigung wir aus geglückten Freundschaften ziehen können rundet den Kurs ab. Offen für Jugendliche.
The style of attachment is formed in the very early beginning of our life and has an important influence on how we relate to other people (especially in close relationships and in our own parenting style). In this workshop we will see how attachment influences our lifestyle and how understanding our attachment style can help us to improve our close relationships developing an earned secure attachment.
This program is designed to teach coping strategies in daily stressful situations. Using Adlerian encouragement principles in various creative ways, enables us to deal with daily life pressures.
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an encouraging counseling approach that helps to elicit and strengthen motivation for change in counseling, coaching, and education settings. This counseling approach is highly compatible and consistent with the philosophies that are articulated by Adlerians. Over 200 controlled clinical trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing among clients with various presenting issues. This course will include various MI demonstrations and counseling practice opportunities.
Early Recollections (ERs) play a central role in Adlerian therapy. In ERs we uncover strengths and resources alongside nonverbal messages and descriptions of how we view ourselves, others and life (Private Logic). We might also gain insight, including about our movement and priorities in life
This course offers a space for participants to learn basic mindfulness practices. Mindfulness is the practice of present moment, non-judgmental awareness of one’s experiences. Through group discussions, experiential practices and sharing of experiences, participants will learn strategies for self-care and managing stress in order to enhance emotional balance, resilience and well-being. Participants will also tap into their intuition and wisdom to develop healthy habits of the mind, and work with the group in promoting community well-being. Open to Youth.