Typ A Kurse: Zweite Woche – nachmittags (14.30 – 16.30 Uhr) |
A501, Abramson, Zivit – Understanding and Helping Couples
We shall follow the development of couplehood, beginning with the partners‘ choice of each other, understanding their „hidden contract“, continuing with the conflicts they get into, and showing the way they can resolve these conflicts and create a life-long satisfying new contract. The course will include lectures, discussions and demonstrations. Open to Youth. |
A502, Armerding, Calvin – Cooperation in Families
Families are vulnerable to competitive striving in marriages/partnerships, as well as parent-child, sibling, and intergenerational relationships. Competitions disrupt community feeling, moving families into the „useless side of life.“ Adlerian lifestyle investigation exposes competitive dynamics and allows reorientation toward cooperation. This fosters community feeling, minimizes conflict, and avoids discouragement. This course includes demonstrations, case studies, and practical counsel for families. Open to Youth. |
A503, Balla, Marion – Building Resilience and Self Care at Work and at Home
Addressing compassion fatigue and burnout requires tangible, proactive strategies for building resilience and creating space for self-care. Participants will learn the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout, assess stress/distress levels at home and at work, create a self-care plan based on strategies to increase balance and reduce negative thinking and feelings, and develop skills to increase well-being and enhance supportive relationships. Open to Youth. |
A504, Hofstra, Pauline – Self Disclosure: Movement & Boundaries
As humans we are both ‘a part of’ and ‘a-part from’ the social world. We have our own inner world of experience (supervised by our private logic), with psychological boundaries that separate us from the outside world and the inner world of others. This course examines how boundary awareness of our inner world can enhance self-esteem, autonomy, compassion, and respect in our relationships with others. |
A505, Levitt-Frank, Mia – Adlerian Coaching – Realizing Potential and Creating Significant Results
Coaching is a focused process designed to create significant and outstanding results for the client. In Adlerian coaching, movement is directed towards realizing personal or professional goals and integrates personal movement with social interest. Employing deep listening, powerful questions, and encouragement, we create a unique conversation. In this workshop, participants will set themselves a meaningful goal and will be coached to create the path to realize it. Participants will acquire knowledge and tools that will enrich communication skills and maximize results in working with clients. Open to Youth. |
A506, Oberst, Ursula – Using the Client’s Dreams as a Projective Technique in Counseling
Dreams are not very often used in Adlerian counseling and psychotherapy. But building on Adler’s early approach, Adlerian scholars like Shulman (1973) and Oberst (2002) have developed a comprehensive theory about the function of dreams that is consistent with current research. Research has shown that the client’s dreams can be used as a projective technique to achieve a better understanding of the client’s current issues and adaptive and maladaptive strategies. This workshop presents an approach to working with dreams in Adlerian counseling. Participants are encouraged to bring their own dreams or clients’ dreams into the workshop. Open to Youth. |
A507, Pacurar, Anda – Understanding Adolescents Using Adlerian-Dreikursian principles of understanding adolescents we will explore private logic, behaviors and search for meaning. We analyze typical modern challenges for adolescents like being independent, identity issues, social media, bullying (cyber bullying), adapting to the pandemic and how to develop resilience in general. The theory and technique will be taught by means of live demonstrations. Open to Youth. |
A508, Pollak, Peter – Freundschaft (Deutsch)
Durch die veränderten Lebensumstände – kaum noch Großfamilien, demografische Entwicklung, Familien leben oft sehr weit auseinander – haben Freundschaften eine zunehmend größere Bedeutung. Gute Freundschaften waren und sind schon immer eine wichtige Quelle der Zufriedenheit und des Wohlergehens. Heute übernehmen Freunde aber auch Aufgaben, die früher die Großfamilien übernommen haben. In dem Kurs beschäftigen wir uns mit der Definition von Freundschaften seit der Antike. Der Schwerpunkt liegt aber darauf, was wir tun können, um Freundschaften zu pflegen, neue zu gewinnen und Freundschaften zu beiderseitigem Nutzen zu erhalten. |
A509, Schläpfer, Christelle – Counselling in Education/Beraten im Erziehungsbereich (Deutsch/ Englisch)
Anders als in Erziehungskursen, wo es um Haltung und Methoden geht, hilft die Erziehungsberatung den Eltern, unbewusste Verhaltensmuster aufzudecken (welche oft die Implementierung positiver Erziehungstechniken erschweren) und individuelle Lösungen zu entwickeln. In diesem Kurs lernen die Teilnehmer:innen Konzept, Phasen und Techniken der Erziehungsberatung kennen. |
A510, Shoham, Yoav – Encouragement: Overcoming Stressful Situations
This program is designed to teach coping strategies in daily stressful situations. Using Adlerian encouragement principles in various creative ways, enables us to deal with daily life pressures. |
A511, Tate, Bruce – Introduction to Early Recollections
Early Recollections (ERs) play a central role in Adlerian therapy. In ERs we uncover strengths and resources alongside nonverbal messages and descriptions of how we view ourselves, others and life (Private Logic). We might also gain insight, including about our movement and priorities in life. Working with ERs helps to develop personal awareness and insight. Through this exploration we can identify personal strengths, creativity and resources which in turn can help promote choice and an improved sense of personal well-being. |
A512, Williams, Hallie – Social Justice and Individual Psychology
This course is designed to explain Social Justice through the theory of Individual Psychology. Adlerian Theory is more than a basis for understanding and treating mental illnesses. Adlerian Theory can also be used to explain how to coexist with each other and the issues of life that lead to mental illnesses. Open to Youth. |