2. Woche – Kurse – vormittags – 11.00-13.00
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We shall follow the development of couplehood, beginning with the partners‘ choice of each other, understanding their „hidden contract“, continuing with the conflicts they get into, and showing the way they can resolve these conflicts and create a life-long satisfying new contract. The course will include lectures, discussions and demonstrations.
This course is designed to assist participants to identify and explore the losses and gains inherent in major life transitions, (e.g. aging, career change, retirement, graduation, marriage/partnership, empty family nest, separation/divorce). Through the use of early recollections, anniversary dates and the exploration of life tasks, participants will gain increased insight and strategies to manage major life transitions.
Research evidence links metaphors and neurocognitive processes in the brain, particularly the sensorimotor area, extending to a demonstrated possibility of activation of these areas using client-generated metaphors. This course focuses on enhanced use of metaphors in therapeutic interventions for a variety of clinical issues faced by individuals, couples, and families across cultures.
Adlerian psychology helps improve human relationships in all settings, including the workplace. Workplace solutions are applicable also to problems in the family and school. Participants’ own work problems are discussed. Work roles, conflict resolution, group dynamics, and personality variables are viewed within the Adler-Dreikurs framework. (1+2)
Whether a manager, supervisor, teacher, facilitator, counselor, or therapist, demonstrating personal and professional integrity, optimism, and inspiring and consulting with others, are essential to democratic leadership. Through examining birth order, early recollections, cooperating in teams and psychodrama, participants will assess leadership attitudes, strengths, skills, and styles, and gain insight into themselves and others, and how to be strong, compassionate role models, and leaders.
In families, community or professional settings, people meet problems. This course will explore family influences on problem solving and offer practical ways of helping each other in finding encouraging solutions to problems. Language in problem situations and the incident method will get special attention. Participants will be able to apply the incident method. Case examples provided by the participants will be used.
This course is for participants who have taken prior art therapy courses and look for an opportunity to enhance creative skills. Within the framework of Adlerian theory and by means of directed art activities, participants can increase personal self-awareness and learn how to interpret the art pieces of others. Based on Sadie Tee Dreikurs© methods.
Sometimes it seems like a complete mystery! The five ‘secrets’ covered in this workshop (clear communication, understanding basic needs, understanding behavior, discipline, and encouragement) can quickly help bring clarity, calm and encouragement to parent-child interactions. Understanding how these elements work together means we can provide children with opportunities to learn how to become responsible, contributing members of our family and the wider community.
This course provides an introduction to the basic tenets of Adlerian Psychology and is targeted both to newcomers to IP and to people who already have some theoretical or practical background. Participants will be presented a systematic overview, accompanied by practical and experiential exercises intended to consolidate the learning outcomes. Participants will also be invited to relate these concepts to their personal life.
Using Adlerian-Dreikursian principles of understanding adolescents we will explore private logic, behaviors and search for meaning. We will analyze typical modern challenges for adolescents like being independent, identity issues, social media, bullying (cyber bullying) and how to develop resilience in general. The theory and techniques will be taught by means of live demonstrations.
Wir beschäftigen uns in dem Kurs mit den zwei persönlichen Lebensaufgaben„gelungener Umgang mit sich selbst“ und„Kosmos/Sinnfrage“. Ein„guter Umgang mit mir selbst“ – warum gelingt es oft nicht und was können wir tun, damit es häufiger und besser gelingt? Den„guten Umgang mit mir selbst“ als Basis für die sozialen Lebensaufgaben verstehen und die Finalität im Umgang mit mir selbst erkennen. Die Bedeutung der Sinnfrage in der Individualpsychologie herausarbeiten. Den Sinn in der Erfüllung der Lebensaufgaben und im Entwickeln des Gemeinschaftsgefühls erkennen. Wir stellen uns die Frage der „Sinnverteilung“. Eine Würdigung an Dreikurs und Mosak
Adler identified that safe guarding is often the goal of various behaviors, symptoms, and emotions. This course will examine the conceptualization of mental health disorders and emotions from an Adlerian perspective. Assessment, conceptualization, and treatment implications of various symptoms and disorders will be reviewed.
Adlerian Psychology views personal growth and development as tasks that we all face in dealing with the challenges of life. Throughout his writing Adler highlights striving to overcome a sense of inferiority. Identifying personal strengths and courage is therefore important for practitioners in helping people to achieve goals and handle challenges in developing choices and opportunities that in turn lead to an improved sense of well-being.
The instructor will offer demonstrations and the participants will be invited to work in small groups. The objective will be to help one another increase the courage and love of self and others we manifest when we spot the disjunctive emotions and thoughts that set us against fellow human beings and replace them with emotions and thoughts that help us move toward one another.