Nachmittagskurse 14:30 – 16:30
Kursnummer, Dozent und Titel des Kurses | Englisch | Deutsch | Offen für Jugendliche |
201 – Bluvshtein, Marina – Metaphors in supervision | X | ||
202 – Christophe, Dalia – Coaching to establish healthy couple relationships | X | ||
203 – Ferguson, Eva Dreikurs – IP in the Workplace (1+2) online – facilitator Marion Balla | X | ||
204 – Hill, Lindsay – Adlerian approach to intimacy and sexuality | X | X | |
205 – Hillenbrand, Andrea – Raus aus dem Single-Dasein | X | X | |
206 – Holder, Jim – Addictive behaviors and early recollections | X | ||
207 – John, Karen – Group Dynamics & Facilitation | X | ||
208 – Lee-Own, Kim – Five Secrets to Happy Children | X | X | |
209 – Millar, Anthea – Trauma and the body | X | ||
210 – Molan, Karen – Birth order and negotiation | X | ||
211 – Oberst, Ursula – The helping professional’s dreaded scenario – the role of the professional’s own life style | X | ||
212 – Pacurar, Anda – Understanding adolescents | X | X | |
213 – Rasmussen, Paul – Emotions and Private Logic | X | X | |
214 – Schläpfer, Christelle – Life style and parenting style | X | X | |
215 – Verjee, Begum – Self-care | X | X | |
216 – Williams, Hallie – Adlerian principles in community psychology | X | X |
201 – Bluvshtein, Marina – Metaphors in supervision
Adlerian supervision is unique in that it is as much of a creative and encouraging process as Adlerian therapy itself. The course will explore a place of metaphors in the process of overcoming therapeutic impasses. It will build special skills in metaphor-based Adlerian supervision. It will help both supervisor and supervisee to find courage and to achieve greater mastery in life. Open to youth. |
202 – Christophe, Dalia – Coaching to establish healthy couple relationships
„Love can become the sincerest expression of a person’s desire to belong“ (Adler, 1956). A healthy relationship depends on individuals’ ability to understand and communicate their own and the other’s needs and interests, with mutual respect. In this course you will learn coaching tools aligned with Adlerian theory, to establish and maintain healthy couple relationships. We will focus on awareness, strengths, and personal responsibility for making a meaningful difference in your relationships. |
203 – Ferguson, Eva Dreikurs – IP in the Workplace (1+2) online – facilitator Marion Balla
Adlerian Psychology helps improve human relationships in all settings, including the workplace. Workplace solutions are also applicable to problems at home and at school. Participants’ own work problems are discussed. Work roles, conflict resolutions, group dynamics, and personality variables are viewed within the Adler-Dreikurs framework. (1+2) |
204 – Hill, Lindsay – Adlerian approach to intimacy and sexuality
Adler’s task of love/intimacy is often identified as one of the greatest challenges of life. How we engage in this task is based upon our individual lifestyles, which guide us like a compass. The patterned way in which we handle the challenges of life is related to our sexuality and intimacy patterns. Belonging with a significant other provides an opportunity to practice social interest, where we are concerned not just with fulfillment of self, but of the other as well. This course will offer practical and creative ways to fulfill this task of love/intimacy. Come with your curiosity and questions, and together we will discover the answers! Open to Youth. |
205 – Hillenbrand, Andrea – Raus aus dem Single-Dasein
Unacknowledged goals and patterns can be the cause of difficulties in finding a partner and in maintaining relationships. By using classic individual psychological diagnostic tools, such as the family constellation, early childhood memories, role models of couple relationships, relevant lifestyle aspects and individual obstacles should be made aware. Wenn es mit der Partnersuche und dem Führen von Beziehungen nicht so recht klappen will, kann das an uneingestandenen Zielen und Mustern liegen. Durch Nutzen klassischer individualpsychologischer Diagnoseinstrumente wie Geschwister-konstellation, frühe Kindheitserinnerungen, Vorbilder von Paarbeziehungen sollen relevante Lebensstilaspekte und individuelle Hindernisse bewusst gemacht werden. |
206 – Holder, Jim – Addictive behaviors and early recollections
Focusing on the process of addictive behaviors and interventions we compare early recollections of individuals with different addictive behaviors relating them to how clients’ addictions reinforce their beliefs, life themes, and lifestyles. Themes are found within the metaphor of early recollections and point to the positive purpose of addictive behaviors. |
207 – John, Karen – Group Dynamics & Facilitation
Promoting social equality within therapeutic and work groups is essential and requires understanding and attending to group needs, individual needs, and life style issues. In this interactive, experiential and experimental course, participants are invited to analyze, share, and enact group experiences and scenarios to deepen understanding and increase their effectiveness as group leaders and facilitators. |
208 – Lee-Own, Kim – Five Secrets to Happy Children
Therapists & Coaches whose focus is not parenting, need a framework that’s easy to remember and simple for their clients to put into practice. Five Secrets to Happy Children addresses fundamental themes: communication, needs, behaviour, discipline and encouragement. Using the framework, informed by Adlerian thinking, including Crucial Cs, therapists can help clients build a consistent, strengths-focused, encouraging system of parenting. Open to Youth. |
209 – Millar, Anthea – Trauma and the body
Adler stated “To a certain degree, every emotion finds some bodily expression.” (1934 p 223). His holistic wisdom is echoed today by many key traumatologists who recognize that traumatic events are first and foremost held in the body. This practical course will focus on working somatically in trauma therapy, drawing on therapy approaches that integrate well with Adler’s biopsychosocial perspective. |
210 – Molan, Karen – Birth order and negotiation
In every therapeutic relationship there is a negotiation. Recognizing a client’s birth order position is a key to deepening the trust required for a successful negotiation. In this workshop we will look at the factors and traits and the common language patterns associated with each position. This class will be a combination of experiential and theory. |
211 – Oberst, Ursula – The helping professional’s dreaded scenario – the role of the professional’s own life style
This course introduces a technique, initially developed by Kesselman, Pavlovsky and Frydlewsky designed for group leaders, therapists, counselors, and other helping or teaching professionals to deal better with those situations that might be dreaded by the professional when working with clients, patients, families, students or groups. These could be worst-case scenarios such as a patient’s suicide attempt, but also apparently minor issues that create discomfort in the professional (client’s grievance, administrative complaints, payments due, violent outbursts, etc.). The role of the professional’s own life style is examined and incorporated in this technique that uses role-playing and participation of the whole participant group. |
212 – Pacurar, Anda – Understanding adolescents
Using Adler Dreikurs principles of understanding adolescents we will explore private logic, behaviors and search for meaning. We analyze typical modern challenges for adolescents like being independent, identity, social media, bullying (cyber bullying), adapting to pandemic and how to develop resilience in general. The theory and technique will be taught by means of live demonstrations. Open to Youth. |
213 – Rasmussen, Paul – Emotions and Private Logic
Adlerian Psychology is a psychology of use. This refers to the fact that what humans so, they do for a useful purpose. This is particularly true in the case of emotions. Rather than being the product of random biological processes, emotions are adaptive mechanism they serve to help fulfill the ambitions of the lifestyle. From this purpose we can recognize an individual’s style of life by considering emotional expression. With this insight, the therapist is better able to direct effective interventions via enhanced emotional intelligence. Open to Youth. |
214 – Schläpfer, Christelle – Life style and parenting style
The connection between a parent’s childhood and today’s parenting style is quite strong. Many parents set out to raise their children very differently from the way their parents did, and they find it extremely difficult, because it is not just a matter of learning new parenting techniques, but it often requires a change in attitude. If parents want to change their parenting style, they can’t help but look at their own lifestyle to understand the patterns. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Kindheit der Eltern und dem heutigen Erziehungsstil ist sehr stark. Viele Eltern machen sich auf den Weg, ihre Kinder ganz anders zu erziehen, als es ihre Eltern getan haben, und es fällt ihnen extrem schwer, denn es geht nicht nur darum, neue Erziehungstechniken zu erlernen, sondern es erfordert oft auch eine Änderung der Einstellung. Wenn Eltern ihren Erziehungsstil ändern wollen, kommen sie nicht umhin, ihren eigenen Lebensstil zu überprüfen, um die Muster zu verstehen. |
215 – Verjee, Begum – Self-care
Addressing burnout and compassion fatigue requires tangible, proactive strategies for building resilience and creating spaces for self-care. Participants will learn the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout, assess stress/distress levels at home and at work, create a self-care plan based on strategies to increase balance, reduce negative thinking and feelings, and develop skills to increase wellbeing and enhance supportive relationships. Open to Youth. |
216 – Williams, Hallie – Adlerian principles in community psychology
This class will address the foundational tenets of Community Psychology: social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and international, and explore how it integrates with Adlerian Psychology to influences to promote positive change, health, and empowerment at individual and systemic level. |
- Open to Youth.