Typ A Kurse: Erste Woche – vormittags (11.00 – 13.00 Uhr) |
A201, Alizadeh, Hamid – Applying Individual Psychology Principles in Schools
Teacher-student interaction is a crucial part of the classroom experience for all students. According to Individual Psychology principles, classroom is not only a setting of academic learning, it is also a unique opportunity to foster mutual respect, self-esteem, contribution and democratic relationship in students. Adlerian-Dreikursian classroom management skills and strategies enable teachers as a group leader to create an encouraging climate for establishing democratic relationship in the classroom in which they can grow. Participants are invited to discuss about their cases. |
A202, Baumer, Gerhard – Traumarbeit (Deutsch)
In Träumen verarbeiten wir unsere täglichen Erlebnisse und unsere ungelösten vergangenen Konflikte entsprechend unseres Lebensstils. Träume benutzen Metaphern und Symbole, die, um verstanden zu werden, interpretiert werden müssen. Träume beeinflussen unsere Emotionen und unsere Erwartungen bezüglich der Zukunft, ähnlich wie frühe Kindheitserinnerungen. Wir wollen die Träume der Teilnehmer benutzen, um den großen Bedeutungsgehalt zu zeigen und wie wir sie in unserer Beratungsarbeit nutzen können. Der Kurs ist für Psychotherapeuten, Berater und für Menschen, die Träume in ihrer Profession nutzen wollen oder mehr Selbsterkenntnis durch Traumarbeit bekommen wollen. |
A203, Callus, Joyce – Working with Youth
Adolescence is one of the difficult transitions in life. During this workshop we will discuss what are the changes youth, family members and caregivers have to deal with at this time. The application of the concepts of Adler and Dreikurs (e.g., goals of behavior, encouragement, responsibility etc.) when parenting or working with youth may contribute towards a more effective outcome. This workshop provides a hands-on experience. |
A204, Echle, Erika – Managing Stress/Umgang mit Stress (Deutsch/ Englisch)
Die Anforderungen der Arbeitswelt nehmen laufend zu. Ein bewusstes Stressmanagement hilft, mit den Belastungen besser umzugehen – und die beruflichen Ziele erfolgreich zu erreichen. Stress ist eine komplexe, wichtige körperliche und psychische Reaktion. Sie sorgt dafür, dass wir bei geistigen und körperlichen Herausforderungen besonders wach und handlungsfähig sind. Problematisch wird es, wenn die erzeugte Anspannung zum Dauerzustand wird, sei es durch familiäre oder berufliche Belastungen oder auch nur durch ständige kleine Ärgernisse. In diesem Kurs gehen wir den Fragen nach: Wie kann ich Ballast abwerfen, abschalten, mir einen Durchblick schaffen, Gelassenheit erlangen und inneres Gleichgewicht finden? Stressbewältigung durch Achtsamkeit. |
A205, Ferguson, Eva Dreikurs – IP in the Workplace
Adlerian Psychology helps improve human relationships in all settings, including the workplace. Workplace solutions are also applicable to problems at home and at school. Participants’ own work problems are discussed. Work roles, conflict resolutions, group dynamics, and personality variables are viewed within the Adler-Dreikurs framework. (1+2) |
A206, Joosten, Theo – Cooperative Problem-solving
In families, community or professional settings, people meet problems. This course will explore practical ways of helping each other find encouraging solutions to these social challenges. The language and the incident method will get special attention. Participants will be able to apply the incident method. Case examples provided by the participants will be used. |
A207, Landscheidt, Uti – Art Therapy/ Kunsttherapie (Deutsch/Englisch)
Dieser Basiskurs wendet sich an alle Teilnehmer, die nicht viel Wissen von und Erfahrung mit IP haben und die in einem zugleich spannenden und entspannenden Kurs mehr über ihren Lebensstil erfahren möchten. Der Kurs basiert auf der Methode von Sadie Tee Dreikurs und ihrem Buch „Kühe können lila sein“. Vorkenntnisse im Malen sind nicht erforderlich. |
A208, Millar, Anthea – Developing your Supervision Skills
Receiving regular and restorative supervision is a crucial aspect of being an effective professional. This practical and experiential class, for both new and experienced supervisors, will explore the multiple dynamics of supervision. It will identify how to build a supervisory relationship that combines equality, authority and encouragement, offer practice in giving supervisory feedback in complex situations, and introduce some creative methods. |
A209, Radu, Liliana – Encouraging Caregivers of Children Diagnosed with Autism
As the number of people diagnosed with autism increases, we need to develop new creative ways to understand and help them and their families. This course offers an Adlerian approach to what autism means to the individuals, their families and the community. |
A210, Rasmussen, Paul – Adaptive Reorientation
In this course we discuss strategies for helping people to move forward in life most effectively and efficiently. Relying on concepts related to the Tasks of Life, Psychological Muscle and Crucial C’s, we will cover topics related to optimal living. Lifestyle investigation provides meaningful insights into the nature of one’s life orientation, including the identification of assets and liability. In this course we discuss how to make use of the assets and overcome the liabilities in order to create an optimal adaptive orientation to life and its challenges. |
A211, Schläpfer, Christelle – Bullying & Cyberbullying/ Mobbing und Cybermobbing (Deutsch/ Englisch)
Mobbing und Cybermobbing sind nach wie vor große Herausforderungen an vielen Schulen. Viele betroffene Schüler holen sich keine Hilfe aus Angst, die Situation könnte schlimmer werden. In diesem Workshop erfahren wir, weshalb die Form der Intervention bei Mobbing und Cybermobbing entscheidend ist und erhalten viele Ressourcen zur Prävention und Intervention. |
A212, Shaked, Anabella – The Use of Creative Tools in Adlerian Practices
Adlerian interventions are designed to expand the client’s private logic and enable a more positive and flexible attitude towards life tasks and others. To achieve that, Adlerians use a variety of creative tools in their practices, because, as Dreikurs (1973) pointed out, “…sooner or later we arrive at a situation where the theoretical discussion of psychological problems fails to bring any further visible progress… Presentation of ideas and rationalization must be supplemented by vital experiences, by psychological action…the treatment must become (pp. 24-25). This course will teach five creative techniques to apply in Adlerian therapy, coaching or parent education. |
A213, Tate, Bruce – Creativity and Private Logic
The individual lifestyle is a key area for exploration in Adlerian therapy. Underlying this is our private logic or core assumptions about ourselves, others, the world around us and how we find a way to fit in. This is a personal set of beliefs and assumptions that we create in order to make sense of our place in our family, workplace and different situations. Some of these beliefs might have been established at a young age. Through developing self-awareness we are able to develop alternative choices and opportunities for the benefit of ourselves and others. |
A214, Uzun, Bilge – Private Logic and Mindfulness
Mindfulness, the art of conscious living, is the ability to invite the mind to the current moment – here and now – without judging. In this workshop, the participants will briefly learn about some contemporary theories (e.g., DBT and ACT) that are considered as Neo-Adlerian Approaches. In addition, they will gain an understanding of mindfulness in conjunction with Adlerian concepts, specifically private logic, through individual practices. |