Nachmittagskurse von 14:30 – 16:30
Kursnummer, Dozent und Titel des Kurses | Englisch | Deutsch | Offen für Jugendliche |
501 – Armerding, Calvin – Cooperation in systems (families and organization) | X | X | |
502 – Balla, Marion – Strengths-based Couples therapy and enrichment | X | ||
503 – Cice, Joseph – IP and dealing with new technologies | X | X | |
504 – Ferguson, Eva Dreikurs – IP in the Workplace(1+2) | X | ||
505 – Hillenbrand, Andrea – Alcohol addiction, co-dependency and style of life/ Alkoholabhängigkeit, Ko-Abhängigkeit und Lebensstil | X | X | |
506 – Levitt-Frank, Mia – Working with metaphors | X | ||
507 – O’Keeffe, Sonya – An Adlerian Art Therapy Group Work Approach to support Mental Health | X | ||
508 – Schläpfer, Christelle – Parenting in a digital world/ Erziehung in einer digitalen Welt | X | X | |
509 – Shoham, Yoav – Encouragement in stressful situations | X | X | |
510 – Sperry, Jon – Group Drumming and cooperation | X | X | |
511 – Tate, Bruce – Developing your social interest in the life task | X | ||
512 – Todorova, Vera – Building bridges between families and schools | X | X | |
513 – Williams, Hallie – Individual Psychology: Concepts, Theory, and its Development | X |
501 – Armerding, Calvin – Cooperation in systems (families and organization)
Adler observed that individuals can strive either competitively or cooperatively. Within systems (like families or organizations), the feelings of belonging/significance necessary for human flourishing are compromised by competition, but can be nurtured through cooperation. This course will evaluate how to develop cooperative goals and disciplines within systems. Lifestyle demonstrations will be used to identify competition and reorient toward cooperation.
Open to youth.
502 – Balla, Marion – Strengths-based Couples therapy and enrichment
Healthy couple relationships are based on cooperation, mutual respect and an understanding of the social embeddedness of each partner. This course will focus on a strengths-based model of examining how couples choose each other based on childhood logic and gender guiding lines. Early memories, life tasks and intergenerational patterns will be explored. Demonstrations with couples will be an integral part of the course.
503 – Cice, Joseph – IP and dealing with new technologies
This course would explore the way technology is changing the way we interact and connect with others. It would examine the connection we have with technology and roles it plays in our mental health. It would review the current literature on technology (including smart phones, computers, tablets, smart homes, social media, gaming, etc) and how it is affecting development and social interest. We would discuss these issues and opportunities from an individual psychology perspective covering main concepts including (but not limited too) social interest, striving, lifestyle, private logic, and the requirements for psychologically healthy human beings. This course would explore areas and cases that exist in counseling, parenting, education, and everyday life. Lastly, students will learn a model, based on the writings of Adler, Dreikurs, Bettner and Lew, and others that would prepare them to assist clients, students, children that have an unhealthy relationship with technology.
Open to youth.
504 – Ferguson, Eva Dreikurs – IP in the Workplace (1+2) online – facilitator Marina Bluvshtein
Adlerian Psychology helps improve human relationships in all settings, including the workplace. Workplace solutions are also applicable to problems at home and at school. Participants’ own work problems are discussed. Work roles, conflict resolutions, group dynamics, and personality variables are viewed within the Adler-Dreikurs framework. (1+2)
505 – Hillenbrand, Andrea – Alcohol addiction, co-dependency and style of life/ Alkoholabhängigkeit, Ko-Abhängigkeit und Lebensstil
We will look at addiction, especially alcohol dependence, from an Adlerian point of perspective, looking at the life tasks, the goal-directedness of behavior and the functionality in social relationships, as well as the connection to co-dependent behavior.
Wir werden Abhängigkeitserkrankungen, insbesondere Alkoholabhängigkeit, unter individualpsychologischen Gesichtspunkten betrachten, wie z.B. den Lebensaufgaben, der Zielgerichtetheit von Verhalten und der Funktionalität in sozialen Beziehungen, sowie den Zusammenhang zu co-abhängigem Verhalten.
506 – Levitt-Frank, Mia – Making meaning with metaphors
“Metaphors are mirrors reflecting our inner images of self, life, and others (Richard Kopp). In this workshop we will discover the power and magic of metaphors as we experience various forms of metaphor work. We will learn to access and anchor resources through metaphors, understand subjective experience through metaphor work, and create new possibilities for meaning, cognition and action with metaphor transformation. Prepare to access your own unique creativity through metaphors!
507 – O’Keeffe, Sonya – An Adlerian Art Therapy Group Work Approach to support Health
This course is an introduction to running an Adlerian Art Group. In this course you will learn to facilitate a group using Adlerian techniques, procedures, and prompts. This course allows participants the immersive experience of participating in an Adlerian Art Therapy Group and equipping them to develop the skills necessary to deliver it. Each learner will receive a 10-week programme. This is a fun and creative course, a great way to learn and interact with other learners.
508 – Schläpfer, Christelle – Parenting in a digital world/Erziehung in einer digitalen Welt
Mobile phones have become almost indispensable today. While the use of these devices can have many benefits, there is also growing concern about the potential negative effects on children’s development. Excessive screen use affects emotional, cognitive and social development. Many parents are not aware of the potential dangers. Or they are aware but do not know what to do. – However, the above-average mobile phone use of some parents must also be examined. Initial studies show the negative consequences this has for children’s development.
Handys sind heute fast unverzichtbar geworden. Die Nutzung dieser Geräte kann viele Vorteile mit sich bringen, aber es gibt auch wachsende Bedenken hinsichtlich der möglichen negativen Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung von Kindern. Übermäßiger Bildschirmgebrauch beeinträchtigt die emotionale, kognitive und soziale Entwicklung. Viele Eltern sind sich der potenziellen Gefahren nicht bewusst. Oder sie sind sich dessen bewusst, wissen aber nicht, was sie tun sollen. – Aber auch die überdurchschnittliche Handynutzung einiger Eltern muss untersucht werden. Erste Studien zeigen, welche negativen Folgen dies für die Entwicklung der Kinder hat…
509 – Shoham, Yoav – Encouragement in stressful situations
This program has been planned especially for ICASSI and is designed to teach coping strategies in daily stressful situations. Using Adlerian encouragement principles in various creative ways, enables us to deal with daily life pressures.
Open to youth.
510 – Sperry, Jon – Group Drumming and cooperation
Group drumming and rhythm activities can assist individuals and groups to foster social interest and well-being. This course will review group drumming and rhythm activities that can be used for self-care and also with diverse populations in various settings (school, counseling, coaching, and organizational consulting). The format for this course will be highly experiential and will also include some brief lecture content.
Open to youth.
511 -Tate, Bruce – Developing your social interest in the life task
Social Interest and handling the core Life Tasks are core concepts of Individual Psychology. In this course we will develop greater understanding personal insight into these concepts, the ways in which they are linked and how we can achieve growth and development in order to further enrich the lives of ourselves and others.
512 -Todorova, Vera – Building bridges between families and schools
In Adler’s theory, “the school is placed between the family and life in society” (Ansbacher & Ansbacher, 1956, p. 399). He believed that whatever mistakes were made in the raising of children at home, the educational institution is the place where those could be corrected and the child would be guided “so that they will play their individual role harmoniously in the orchestral pattern of society” (Ansbacher & Ansbacher, 1956, p. 399). Keeping in mind the global challenges last four years have presented to contemporary society and recognizing the unprecedented high levels of discouragement among parents, students and teachers, this class focuses on the aspiration to prevent further withdraw of trust between the two main pillars responsible for the development and maintaining wellbeing in children – parents and schools. Participants in the class will have the opportunity to safely explore and find encouragement and support for (re)building the bridge toward an egalitarian relationship based on trust, empathy, encouragement, social interest and cooperation toward learning and succeeding together.
Open to youth.
513 – Williams, Hallie – Individual Psychology: Concepts, Theory, and its Development
This class will unpack Adler’s foundational concepts including: as if, holism, birth order, the universality of striving, apperceptive schema, teleology, phenomenology, and more. By the end of the class, all participants will be able to analyze and draw connections between those Adlerian concepts, explain them, and create a group presentation incorporating all the discussed concepts.