1. Woche – Kurse – vormittags – 11.00-13.00Uhr
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In dreams we process our daily experiences and unsolved past conflicts according to our lifestyle. Dreams use metaphors and symbols which require interpretation in order to be understood. Dreams tone our emotions and expectations towards the future, similar to early recollections. We will use participants’ dreams in order to show the meaningfulness and how we can use them in our counseling work.
Alfred Adler said, “If we consider carefully all the great problems of life, we will see that only social interest provides the solution.” He added that social interest was the key to mental health. While social interest is innate within the child, it has to be consciously developed by the adults in a child’s life. Let’s discuss what encourages social interest and what interferes with that development.
Parenting may be the biggest commitment in life. Yet when children are born they do not bring a handbook with them. Luckily the studies of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs help parents, educators and other child professionals with their mission. During this practical workshop the application of Individual Psychology will provide the tools that help in the building of positive relationships based on Adlerian concepts such as understanding, mutual respect and others. Open to new comers.
To achieve the goal of a peaceful, respectful and happier coexistence in the family and to enable them to find useful solutions to daily problems, Dreikurs developed a method called the Family Meeting. The class council works basically the same way. In this class you will learn to solve problems constructively and cooperatively in a goal-directed manner in families and school classes. Everybody taking part in the meeting has the chance to experience mutual esteem and that their contributions are important and welcomed in the community.
Adlerian Psychology helps improve human relationships in all settings, including the workplace. Workplace solutions are also applicable to problems at home and at school. Participants’ own work problems are discussed. Work roles, conflict resolutions, group dynamics, and personality variables are viewed within the Adler-Dreikurs framework. (1+2)
In families, community or professional settings, people meet problems. This course will explore family influences on problem solving and offer practical ways of helping each other in finding encouraging solutions to problems. Language in problem situations and the incident method will get special attention. Participants will be able to apply the incident method. Case examples provided by the participants will be used.
Dieser Basiskurs wendet sich an alle Teilnehmer, die nicht viel Wissen von und Erfahrung mit IP haben und die in einem zugleich spannenden und entspannenden Kurs mehr über ihren Lebensstil erfahren möchten. Der Kurs basiert auf der Methode von Sadie Tee Dreikurs und ihrem Buch „Kühe können lila sein“. Vorkenntnisse im Malen sind nicht erforderlich.
Receiving regular and restorative supervision is a crucial aspect of being an effective professional. This practical and experiential class, for both new and experienced supervisors, will explore the multiple dynamics of supervision. It will identify how to build a supervisory relationship that combines equality, authority and encouragement, offer practice in giving supervisory feedback in complex situations, and introduce some creative methods.
As the number of people diagnosed with autism increases, we need to develop new creative ways to understand and help them and their families. This course offers an Adlerian approach to what autism means to the individuals, their families and the community.
Adler stated that psychotherapy is a process of reorientation based on education. In this course, participant learn how to help their clients re-orient themselves to life such that their renewed style of life is more adaptive given the realities of social living.
Mobbing und Cybermobbing sind nach wie vor große Herausforderungen an vielen Schulen. Viele betroffene Schüler holen sich keine Hilfe aus Angst, die Situation könnte dadurch schlimmer werden. In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie, weshalb die Form der Intervention bei Mobbing und Cybermobbing entscheidend ist, und erhalten viele Ressourcen zur Prävention und Intervention.
The individual lifestyle is a key area for exploration in Adlerian therapy. Underlying this is our private logic or core assumptions about ourselves, others, the world around us and how we find a way to fit in. This is a personal set of beliefs and assumptions that we create in order to make sense of our place in our family, workplace and different situations. Some of these beliefs might have been established at a young age and through developing self-awareness we are able to develop alternative choices and opportunities for the benefit of ourselves and others.
The primary means of teaching this course will be through live demonstration with parents, child and/or adolescents, and will include lecture, and small group discussion. Participants will be given the opportunity to participate in a family counseling demonstration and will have an opportunity to observe and experience use of “the Most Memorable Observation” as a means for understanding how one’s belief system influences choice of parenting style. Helping families of children who meet the criteria for the ADHD diagnosis will be discussed.
Via discussion, demonstration, and practice, this course is designed to provide attendees with (a) understanding of Adlerian therapy techniques and selected techniques from closely related therapeutic approaches useful for work in brief Adlerian Therapy, and (b) understanding of when, where and how these procedures best fit in the therapeutic process according to the phases of Adlerian therapy and the Client Stages of Change Model.