You can find all videos of the presentations of our Virtual ICASSI 2020 on our youtube channel
The hyperlinks will lead you to the English videos. We are pleased to offer you also all videos in German and Russian and some in Spanish or other languages.
The program:
July 19th: Opening of the virtual ICASSI by Eva Dreikurs Ferguson;
150th Celebration of Adler’s Vision, Theory and Legacy presented by Marion Balla
July 21st: Social Interest presented by Zivit Abramson
July 22nd: Lifestyle presented by Theo Joosten
July 23rd: Loss and Trauma presented by Anthea Millar
July 24th: Encouragement presented by Yoav Shoham
July 27th: Early Recollections and Supervision presented by Rachel Shifron
July 28th: Democratic Leadership presented by Karen John
July 29th: Dreams presented by Gerhard Baumer
July 30th: Creativity and the Crucial Cs presented by Betty Lou Bettner
July 31st: Motivation presented by Marina Bluvstein