The deadline for the scholarship application was February 15, 2024. All applicants will be informed by May 1st, 2024. We will keep this information here until May 1st. No further applications possible.
Each year ICASSI provides scholarships and tuition assistance to help interested individuals to attend ICASSI for the two-week duration of the summer school.
The MAJOR SCHOLARSHIPS are very limited and are open to applicants world-wide. A larger number of TUITION ASSISTANCE grants are available and are awarded on a regional basis.
The MAJOR SCHOLARSHIP awards cover room, board, and tuition. They do not provide transportation costs.
TUITION ASSISTANCE is intended to provide financial relief by helping with the tuition portion of the Summer School Package. The tuition portion covers all courses, plenary, special interest presentations and all evening programs. However, it does not cover these other portions of the required Summer School package: dinners at the Kloster on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday; the Opening and Welcoming Ceremony; Coffee breaks; Registration drink and snacks; and Organizational fees. Tuition assistance does not cover transportation expenses or room and board.
Please complete the application form (opens word document) including the requested biographical data and a brief description of a proposed activity resulting from the ICASSI experience. The application needs to be TYPED in black and easily readable font. Submissions not following this will be returned for correct re-submission.
Return your completed application and two letters of recommendation to the appropriate regional scholarship representative by February 15, 2024 to Joseph Cice ( You will be informed by May 1st of the results of the scholarship committee’s action.
Andrea Hillenbrand
Scholarship Coordinator