week 1 – courses – mornings – 11:00-13:00
Please click the course title for the course description and the learning objectives
Expressives Schreiben in der individualpsychologischen Beratung und Selbstentwicklung. Kreativ und schöpferisch die eigenen Muster und Lebensstilideen erkennen, Lösungswege finden und in der Beratung anwenden lernen. Freude am Schreiben und der Selbstarbeit ist eine hilfreiche Voraussetzung für diesen praktischen Kurs. Lernziele:
In dreams we process our daily experiences and unsolved past conflicts according to our lifestyle. Dreams use metaphors and symbols which require interpretation in order to be understood. Dreams tone our emotions and expectations towards the future, similar to early recollections. We will use participants’ dreams in order to show the meaningfulness, how we can use them in our counselling work. The course is for psychotherapists, counsellors, for people who want to use dreams professionally or want to gain self-awareness through dream interpretation. Traumarbeit: In Träumer verarbeiten wir unsere täglichen Erlebnisse und unsere ungelösten vergangenen Konflikte entsprechend unseres Lebensstils. Träume benutzen Metaphern und Symbole die, um verstanden zu werden, interpretiert werden müssen. Träume beeinflussen unsere Emotionen und unsere Erwartungen bezüglich der Zukunft, ähnlich wie frühe Kindheitserinnerungen. Wir wollen die Träume der Teilnehmer benutzen um den großen Bedeutungsgehalt anzeigen und wie wir sie in unserer Beratungsarbeit nutzen können. Der Kurs ist für Psychotherapeuten, Berater und für Menschen, die Träume in ihrer Profession nutzen wollen oder mehr Selbsterkenntnis durch Traumarbeit bekommen wollen
Do you see life problems as a hurricane, a brick wall, or maybe something else? Metaphors can unveil and activate the unique meaning of the unknown, complex, and mysterious in life. This course is for everyone ready to experience the miracle of metaphors, understand the brain processes explaining them, and engage in creative transformation, designing healthier strategies for everyday life. Learning objectives:
Parenting – one of the most demanding commitment in life. How, Why do we do it? How do Adler and Dreikurs help out in this?Participants will be able to answer: How do we parent and why, are there different parenting styles? Learning objectives:
In today´s fast-paced world, the importance of self-care cannot be understated. We will explore various forms of self-care, including techniques of emotion regulation and balancing the tasks of life, We will explore obstacles to effective self-care in the private logic of our psychological life-style and distinguish self-care from acting self-centered. In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt kann die Bedeutung der Selbstfürsorge nicht unterschätzt werden. Wir werden verschiedene Formen der Selbstfürsorge erforschen, einschließlich Techniken der Emotionsregulierung und der Balance in den Lebensaufgabben. Wir werden Hindernisse für eine wirksame Selbstfürsorge in der privaten Logik unseres psychologischen Lebensstils untersuchen und Selbstfürsorge von selbstsüchtigem Verhalten unterscheiden. Open to all/ offen für alle Learning objectives:
In families, community or professional settings, people meet problems. This course will explore practical ways of helping each other find encouraging solutions to these social challenges. Respectful listening, personal attitude and the incident method will get special attention. Participants will be able to apply the incident method. Case examples provided by the participants will be used. This course is made possible through a grant from the Alfred Adler Institute of New York Learning objectives: 1. To understand problems as social problems 2. To use reflective listening 3. Explain the steps of the incident method 4. Guide a problem solving session by using the incident method
In this interactive and entertaining class, you will learn the basic concepts and techniques of sand tray play therapy from choosing figures to interpreting the process and contents of a tray. You can use sand tray play therapy with child, adolescent, and adult clients. Experience this powerful healing tool while you learn and have fun! Learning objectives:
This is an introductory course for lay participants who look for an exciting and relaxing course to learn about lifestyle. It is based on Sadie Tee Dreikurs’ teaching and her book “Cows can be purple”. No experience in painting is necessary. It is also for counselors who want to broaden their counseling skills by using art exercises. Open to lay persons, counselors who want to use art exercises in their counseling Learning objectives:
We can all make a difference in the lives of others and our community. Creating a value-based vision and defining a plan for action enhances our courage and passion to contribute. In this interactive workshop all participants will access their courage, passion and creativity to create a personal vision and plan for contribution. Through encouragement we will discover how transforming a vision to reality, focusing on contribution, empowers and encourages ourselves! For “lay persons“. Learning objectives:
This practical course draws on some of the latest trauma research and therapy approaches that integrate well with an Adlerian approach. It will focus particularly on developing the therapeutic skills of ensuring safety and stability, observing physiological arousal levels, enabling dual attention for managing flashbacks, and offering specific strategies, when appropriate, for processing trauma memories safely. The emphasis will be on building the person’s resilience and social connection in the present and for the future. Suitable for Therapists, Mental Health Practitioners Learning objectives:
In counseling and therapy, the work with the client’s/patient’s early recollections is an Adlerian core technique for the counselor to understand the client’s lifestyle, to encourage the client, and to promote therapeutic change; and for the client to gain insight into their dysfunctional patterns of thinking, feeling and behavior as an important step to change. In this workshop, participants will be encouraged to share early childhood memories; through demonstration and modeling and by applying a stepwise procedure, these childhood memories will be worked through. Participants (both professionals and lay persons) will be able to gain insight into the connection between their memories and their current life situation. Professionals will also learn the procedure and hone their skills in working with the ERs of their clients. Learning objectives: 1. Participants will be able to define the purpose of working with early recollections in Adlerian psychology 2. Participants will be able to identify the parts of an early recollection 3. Participants will be able to identify the connections between their early recollections and their present situation 4. Participants will be able to use a stepwise procedure for working with ERs in counseling
Personal growth and development – Bruce Tate Adlerian Psychology views personal growth and development as tasks that we all face in dealing with the challenges of life. Throughout his writing Adler highlights striving to overcome a sense of inferiority. Identifying personal strengths and courage is therefore important for practitioners in helping people to achieve goals and handle challenges. Learning objectives: