week 1 – plenary lectures
Monday, July 20
IP in a Changing World – Eva Dreikurs Ferguson
Adlerian Psychology, called Individual Psychology (IP) because of its emphasis on the whole individual, applies to all aspects of human relationships. As society changes, so do its human relationships. How family members interact with one another, how people interact in the workplace, the expectations that people have in all kinds of relationships change as society changes. Adlerians understand and promote IP principles and practices for improving human well-being and functioning. This plenary addresses such IP principles and practices as applied in contemporary society.
Learning objectives:
1: Participants will be able to identify components of social interest in all their relationships.
2: Participants will practice methods of encouragement for self and others.
3: Participants will be able to state how the focus on enhancing democratic methods improves human relationships in all spheres of social living.
Tuesday, July 21
150th Celebration of Adler’s Vision, Theory and Legacy – Marion Balla
This plenary is an opportunity to celebrate and embrace the teachings of Alfred Adler 150 years after his birth to ensure that his legacy continues to be meaningful as we navigate the turbulent world of today. We will explore together how our lived experiences and emerging knowledge have been impacted and enriched by Individual Psychology. We will discuss how Adler’s concept of social responsibility remains a vital ‘call to action’ as we carry his legacy forward.
Learning objectives:
1. To understand the social embeddedness of Alfred Adler’s life and its impact on his theory and practice.
2. To explore how Adler’s principles of social equality and social justice are essential for addressing our current world issues.
3. To identify and celebrate the impact of Adlerian Psychology on our personal and professional lives.
Wednesday, July 22
The Quest To Feel Good – Paul Rasmussen
The essence of the human condition is movement through advancing time and changing circumstance with a preference for validating and enjoyable experiences over painful and aversively compelling states. The nature of this quest to feel good is described with presentation of the limitations and unavoidable burdens that must be overcome if one is to fulfill the quest.
Learning objectives:
1: Summarize the movement of the human condition
2: Delineate many of the requisites to a validating life
3: Understand the important role of emotion in guiding human movement
Thursday, July 23
Exploring Lifestyle in Adlerian Play Therapy – Terry Kottman
In this experiential plenary session, you will learn and practice several Adlerian play therapy techniques for exploring clients’ life styles.
Learning objectives:
1: Identify and describe 1 art technique for exploring clients’ lifestyles in Adlerian play therapy.
2: Identify and describe 1 adventure therapy technique for exploring clients’ lifestyles in Adlerian play therapy.
3: Identify and describe 1 unstructured play technique and 1 structured play technique for exploring clients’ lifestyles in Adlerian play therapy.
Friday, July 24
Early Recollections and Individuals’ Choices – Rachel Shifron
The use of Early Recollections in Adlerian psychotherapy and supervision is a powerful way to quickly recognize the individuals’ lifestyle. It enables the therapist or the supervisor to discover the individuals’ strengths, their creative abilities and strategies to achieve feelings of belonging and to develop a sense of social interest. Early recollections are accurate metaphors which disclose the individuals’ current feelings of belonging to family, work and friends. The goal of this talk is to present an encouraging, optimistic and a working model to work with ERs in psychotherapy and supervision.
Learning objectives:
1: To emphasize the use of ERs as metaphors.
2: To elaborate on the individual’s choice of strategies to assure feelings of Belonging.
3: To focus on the individual’s ability and strength to change strategies through Reconstruction of the memories