Please click the course title for the course description and the learning objectives
This course will define and demonstrate a simple, lifestyle-based model for Adlerian Couples Counseling. Adlerian principles will be integrated with the “infinity loop” model from emotionally-focused couples therapy, allowing helping professionals to bridge the gap between individual lifestyle work and the dynamics of coupleship. Interventions in couples counseling will also be discussed and demonstrated. Learning Objectives:
Open to youth.
1. Participants will describe the importance of lifestyle investigation in couples therapy.
2. Participants will identify how individual lifestyles interact to create strengths and liabilities in couples relationships.
3. Participants will recognize patterns of interaction in relationships using the infinity loop model.
4. Participants will identify lifestyle-specific interventions and encouragements in couples therapy.
Mothering is a complex, multi-faceted role deeply affected by societal messages about women and gender. Mothers are held accountable for the success and well-being of their children, particularly of their daughters. Mother-daughter relationships are often a dance of push and pull. This course is designed to explore the intergenerational patterns and gender messages that each woman carries and will focus on the strengths and resourcefulness of women throughout generations within an Adlerian Framework. Open to youth. Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be able to examine the social embeddedness of women in society and its impact on motherhood
2. Participants will be able to explain the specificity of mother-daughter dynamics within family life
3. Participants will be able to discuss the role of gender guiding lines in the development of mother-daughter expectations
4. Participants will be able to explore mother-daughter relationships within varying cultural contexts
There are many misunderstandings about mindfulness and its application in life and work. This workshop will correct these misunderstandings and teach the participants the depth and simplicity of mindfulness and how well it complements Adlerian psychology. Learning Objectives:
1. Receive a grounding in mindfulness and an introduction to practical applications
2. Learn how to utilise mindfulness through experiential practice
3. Understand how mindfulness complements and integrates with Adlerian Psychology
4. Explore the practical applications of mindfulness for your own and you clients wellbeing
In today´s fast-paced world, the importance of self-care cannot be understated. We will explore various forms of self-care, including techniques of emotion regulation and balancing the tasks of life, We will explore obstacles to effective self-care in the private logic of our psychological life-style and distinguish self-care from acting self-centered.
In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt kann die Bedeutung der Selbstfürsorge nicht unterschätzt werden. Wir werden verschiedene Formen der Selbstfürsorge erforschen, einschließlich Techniken der Emotionsregulierung und der Balance in den Lebensaufgaben. Wir werden Hindernisse für eine wirksame Selbstfürsorge in der privaten Logik unseres psychologischen Lebensstils untersuchen und Selbstfürsorge von selbstsüchtigem Verhalten unterscheiden.
Open to all/ youth welcome
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be able to differentiate between self-care and self-centered behaviors.
2. Participants will develop a personalized self-care plan
3. Participants will be able to apply emotion regulation techniques
4. Participants will be able to identify obstacles to effective self care in a psychological life-style.
This workshop will combine family group therapy as designed by Dr. Mandred Sonstegard and Dr. Michael Yura at West Virginia University in the Family Counseling and Guidance Center and as designed by other multi family group therapists. We will explore a brief history of multi family group therapy starting with Adler and Dreikurs and the obstacles they faced. We will learn through lecture, role-play and group sharing. Learning Objectives:
1. Learn how to set up the physical structure for optimal participation such as “fish bowling”
2. Discuss how to combine the power of the group process with the therapeutic power of family therapy
3. Recognize and discuss the four goals of misbehavior and suggest how each parent can effectively interact with each
4. Discuss and learn how much of the therapeutic work in group is done by the participants
Promoting social interest and equality/equity within therapeutic and work groups is essential and requires understanding and attending to group needs, individual needs, and life style issues. In this interactive, experiential, and experimental course, participants are invited to analyze, share, and enact group experiences and scenarios to deepen understanding and increase their effectiveness as group leaders and facilitators. For therapists, counsellors, trainers, team leaders, teachers, & others who participate in, lead or plan to lead or facilitate therapeutic, self-help, supervision, learning, work groups, or teams
Learning Objectives:
1. Explain own and others’ democratic needs, rights, and responsibilities in terms of fundamental psychological needs, and self-determination theory and research.
2. Analyze individual responses and group dynamics in relation to well-studied leadership approaches and behaviors.
3. Identify and analyze group dynamics in practice, specifying the behaviors and the unmet needs with which they are likely to be associated.
4. Identify and analyze group dynamics in practice, specifying the behaviors and the unmet needs with which they are likely to be associated.
We can all make a difference in the lives of others and our community. Creating a value-based vision and defining a plan for action enhances our courage and passion to contribute. In this interactive workshop all participants will access their courage, passion and creativity to create a personal vision and plan for contribution. Through encouragement we will discover how transforming a vision to reality, focusing on contribution, empowers and encourages ourselves! Open to Youth.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learning to create vision
2. Defining goals from vision
3. Powerful questions as a tool for awareness
4. The power of encouragement in realizing potential and goals
To some degree, every emotion finds expression in the body. In this experiential workshop, we will examine Adler’s and Dreikurs’ theories and experiences related to health. We will examine the prevailing health metaphors and how they can determine your own and you clients’ health scripts (which are part of your/their lifestyles). You will learn how health is often used as an excuse for lack of movement in life and learn new methods of handling illness and stress in daily life. This course is designed for Therapists, Social workers, Teachers. Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be able to explain Adlers’ theory on inferior organs
2. Participants will be able to discuss the Adlerian concept of compensation and over- compensation.
3. Participants will be able to recognize their own and their clients’ health scripts.
4. Participants will be able to transform their own and their clients’ health scripts.
Alfred adler broght a humanistic and fluid understanding of mental health psychopathology from a developed community feeling to a continuing search of superiority. Kurt Adler, Rudolf Dreikurs, Harold Mosak, Bernard Schulman contribute to a comprehensive understanding of neurosis, psychosis and psychopathology. We will review the basis and we will see how IP principles are applied today in working with patients. Designed for students and professional psychologists
Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding Adlerian approach in working with patient
2. Adlerian way of formulating a diagnostic comparing with classic DSM system
3. Understanding new reactions to stress, new disorders by going back to the basis
4. Understanding the creative way of expressing sufference and how to use adelerian techniques to help
The connection between a parent’s childhood and today’s parenting style is quite strong. Many parents set out to raise their children very differently from the way their parents did, and they find it extremely difficult, because it is not just a matter of learning new parenting techniques, but it often requires a change in attitude. If parents want to change their parenting style, they can’t help but look at their own lifestyle to understand the patterns. This course is designed for Therapists, Counsellors, Parenting Trainers, Teachers, Parents – NOT open to youth Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will understand how lifestyle influences their parenting style
2. Participants will know how to identify unconscious processes in family conflicts
3. Participants will know how to analyse the processes that hinder the implementation of positive parenting techniques and how to intervene (using for example early recollection)
4. Participants will know how to develop solutions with parents (or teachers) through different techniques such as role-playing, symbolic or metaphorical work
This program has been planned especially for ICASSI and is designed to teach coping strategies in daily stressful situations. Using Adlerian encouragement principles in various creative ways, enables us in dealing with daily life pressures. Open to youth. Learning objectives:
Group drumming and rhythm activities can assist individuals and groups to foster social interest and well-being. This course will review group drumming and rhythm activities that can be used for self-care and also with diverse populations in various settings (school, counseling, coaching, and organizational consulting). The format for this course will be highly experiential and will also include some brief lecture content. Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will list the key theoretical principles that link Individual Psychology to group drumming activities in various settings.
2. Participants will list group drumming interventions that can increase social interest and overall well-being among participants and clients.
3. Participants will practice and apply various cooperative rhythm activities that can be used to build cooperation in various settings.
4. Participants will learn and list the health and mental health benefits of therapeutic group
Adlerian Psychodrama: Family Constellation is an experiential course that combines Adlerian principles with psychodrama and family constellation techniques to explore individual behavior within the context of family dynamics. Participants will engage in role-playing and group exercises to uncover hidden patterns, address generational influences, and gain insights into their relationships. This course emphasizes personal empowerment, social interest, and the holistic understanding of family systems, providing practical tools for therapeutic and educational. Not open to youth. Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will identify key Adlerian principles, such as social interest, family constellation, and birth order, and explain their influence on individual behavior within family systems.
2. Participants will be able to demonstrate proficiency in conducting psychodrama techniques, including role-playing and dramatization, to explore family dynamics and generational patterns.
3. Participants will be able to analyze family constellations using experiential exercises to identify relational patterns and their impact on individual psychological development.
4. Participants will be able to gain insight into their current behavior by analyzing the influence of family constellation dynamics.
This class will address the foundational tenets of Community Psychology: social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and international, and explore how it integrates with Adlerian Psychology to influence and promote positive change, health, and empowerment at individual and systemic levels. Open to youth.
Learning Objectives:
Evaluate multiple ecological perspectives to measure social embeddedness well enough to debate the development of social feeling.
2. Analyze marginalized communities well enough to create a collective empowerment perspective based on Individual Psychology’s postulations.
Critique the tasks of life well enough to develop a plan that will facilitate the capacity of community groups to work together.
Analyze the teleological leaning of a community well enough to provide functional direction for the perceived best outcome