An amazing response to the Corona Virus 19 pandemic of 2020 was the virtual ICASSI facilitated by the co-chairs of the board. Unpredictable wonders happened as participants “zoomed” in who would not have otherwise been able to attend. Over 300 participants from over 30 countries from China and Japan to Europe (including Malta), North and South America smiled, squealed, and chatted on seeing their old and new friends and teachers.
Eva also gave a history of the ICASSI Summer Schools and how they were organized. ICASSI summer schools were built on the principles of social equality, with chairpersons representing different geographic regions for developing these principles around the world.
An example of a lack of social interest is a person who says: “It is my choice not to wear a mask.” This is not in the interest of the group. In an argument “state what you believe, not that ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’.” It is also our responsibility to keep ourselves physically and mentally fit so that we may be of use to others, ourselves, and the community.
Adler’s Individual Psychology refers to the Indivisible person in Psychology because we are one being, physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.
In the follow up portion of the plenary, a question afforded Anthea Millar the opportunity to demonstrate an empathetic response. This was Valuable!
In response to a supervisee’s question, Rachel pointed out that to show a client mistakes is not the way to build a person’s beliefs in oneself. Instead, point out effective versus ineffective strategies. One way to facilitate change is to ask the client to retell the ER in a different way in which “you would not feel insecure.” When a person changes/reconstructs an ER, it changes the approach to the presenting problem. Rachel modeled this for us with her supervisee.
July 28, 2020 Karen John, lectured on “DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP,” which is defined as value based and ethical leadership. Adler pointed out that social equality increases social interest, and social equality is better for everyone. A successful democratic leader demonstrates social interest in that he or she is inclusive and inspires the group. It requires building respectful relationships and involves listening to and supporting others (social interest, right?). Democratic leadership has its drawbacks as well, such as poor decision making by unskilled groups, decisions take too long, minority opinions are overlooked, and communication breaks down in times of crisis. However, as Rudolf Dreikurs believed, “There is no ill caused by democracy that cannot be cured by more democracy.”
The function of dreams is preparation for the next day. Dreams use metaphors and symbols; not true facts; not common sense; dreams use our private logic. In psychotherapeutic work, Dreams are useful along with family constellation, current atmosphere in identifying the misunderstandings that lead to conflict. They are related to the immediate challenge we are facing.
Here’s a quotation for thought: “If you can’t do what you do, do what you can.” Now, that’s encouraging!