Examples are given of how Adlerians understand behavior, thinking, and emotions. Goals and private logic are important concepts, as are Social Interest, Life Style, and ‘the need to belong.’
ICASSI: past, present, future- Uti Landscheidt
This plenary will show ICASSIs endeavor to help professionals, students, and lay persons learn the teachings of Adler and Dreikurs and master appropriate skills, while striving to create an atmosphere of social interest, mutual respect and diversity.
Leadership and the Crucial Cs in War, Home and Office– Elli von Planta
Leadership has become a buzzword over the last decades. In this presentation, the Crucial Cs are used as the basis of under-standing of what a leader has to deliver, why and when. We will look at leadership in its various forms: first in its origin (war). Then, looking at leadership in our homes where children have to be led, and finally at leadership in the workplace, with different priorities being relevant. Those different priorities in the social versus the economic world are going to be examined as well as the effect on people and their states of mind.
From the striving for power to a meaningful life – Ursula Oberst
Individual Psychology is the first psychological approach that has related psychological problems directly to a concept so vast and striking as the idea of POWER. Alfred Adler defined the striving for power or for superiority as the core issue not only of psychological disorders, but of psychological suffering in general and also of the suffering people inflict on others. This presentation will show how Adlerian Psychology can serve as a model not only to understand but also to transform the pressing socio-ecological crisis of our contemporary society, and promote change not only on an individual but also on a social and sociological level.
Lifestyle and Dreams –Gerhard Baumer
This plenary will show how we psychologically process everyday experiences or unresolved conflicts/traumas in nightly dream experiences – and this according to our private logic, our apperception schema.
Gerhard will outline the similarities and differences in working with ERs and dreams and show demonstration of lifestyle work with dreams in a demonstration.
Adolescents in a today’s world – Anda Pacurar
Looking back in every era adolescents were looked with concern and distrust and many people expressed worries regarding the future of mankind considering ”the new generation”. And still the world survived and developed quickly also thanks to innovative ideas that came from youth. Looking now to the reality that they are facing it s time to learn from them how they handle: bullying, gender, losses, relationships etc..