Honorary Chairperson: | Sadie E. “Tee” Dreikurs, USA
(Deceased) |
Co-Chairpersons: | Eva Dreikurs Ferguson, USA
Theo Joosten, The Netherlands Uti Landscheidt, Germany |
Secretary-Treasurer: | Karen John, UK |
Board Members: | Jim Holder, USA
Mia Levitt-Frank, Israel Christelle Schläpfer, Switzerland |
Abramson, Itamar, After finishing high school, he completed the army service of three years in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).Interested in Music and Philosophy. Tel Aviv, Israel Languages: E, G, H.
Amit, Ronit, TDr. Ronit Amit is a founder of the social department at Adva R&D, Organizational Consultant, researcher, held executive positions including the CEO of the Alfred Adler Institute in Israel. Languages: E, H.
Armerding, Calvin, MA., Senior Associate, Travelers Rest Counseling Associates, USA. Author, supervisor, trainer, consultant. travelersrestcounseling.com Travelers Rest, SC, USA. Language: E.
Balla, Marion, M.Ed., M.S.W., RSW, Dipl. Adlerian Psychology (NASAP), Faculty, Adler Graduate Professional School (Toronto), Therapist and Consultant, International Trainer and Educator, President, Adlerian Counselling and Consulting Group, Ottawa, Canada. www.adleriancentre.com, mballa@adleriancentre.com. Ottawa, Canada. Language: E.
Baumer, Gerhard, Dipl. Psychology and Economics. Counselor, Registered Psychotherapist in private practice, trains supervisors. Works for companies on staff training programs. Supervisor of teachers. Works in England and Germany. Berlin, Germany. Languages: E, G.
Bluvshtein, Marina, Ph.D..Clinical psychologist, Marriage and Family Therapist, Professor, director of the Center for Adlerian Practice and Scholarship, Adler University, Chicago, USA. Adlerian Psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer, author, and researcher. USA. marina.adleracademy@gmail.com. Languages: E, R
Callus, Joyce, M.A. (Lond); Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology; Educator. Counselor. Lecturer, author, TV, Radio contributor, Running IP Courses for parents, Educators, Caregivers Languages: E, M
Christophe, Dalia, MA. Adlerian Parent Educator, Coach (PCC) and Supervisor. Facilitator in training courses: Personal coach, parent training, training for good relationships and couple training. Faculty member of Adlerian Coaching School, Adler institute, Israel. Languages: E, H, F
Cice, Joseph. Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Hawaii Pacific University. Researcher. Kailua Hawaii, USA Language: E
Echle, Erika,. Adlerian Counselor SGIPA, Teacher for students with special needs. Teacher Instructor, trainer for teachers in Adlerian education. Group leader in Switzerland and abroad. Dättwil, Switzerland. echle@bluewin.ch Languages: G., E.
Ferguson, Eva Dreikurs, Ph. D. Psychologist, Emerita Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA; Researcher, Professor, Author of articles and books. Honorary President IAIP. Language: E. Edwardsville, USA
Fitzgerald, Michael, BSc (Hons) Psychology, Adlerian Therapist, Coaching Psychologist, Eating Disorder Practitioner, Yoga Instructor. www.counsellingwaterford.com , Language: E
Greenhalgh, Bruce. MA. BACP Accredited Psychotherapist. Fellow CIPD and mindfulness teacher. Council Director for the Executive Wellbeing Board at the Conference Board and Head of Wellbeing at BT. bruce.greenhalgh@btinternet.com, Language: E
Hill, Lindsay K., M.Ed., LPC, Senior Associate, Travelers Rest Counseling Associates, USA. Counselor, supervisor, and trainer. www.travelersrestcounseling.com Language: E
Hillenbrand, Andrea. Psychologist, licensed Psychotherapist, Adlerian Counselor in Private Practice. Trainer and Facilitator, Adler-Pollak-Institute. Wiesbaden (Germany). http://www.andrea-hillenbrand.de, Languages: G E
Holder, Jim, M.A., LPC, Master Addiction Counselor with 45 years experience. He is a private practice as a trainer, author and Adlerian researcher. South Carolina USA, Language: E
Irvine, Magnus, Msc. Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer, Healthcare worker, Parent, Skateboarder, Capoeirista and Musician. Chair of the UK Adlerian Society, ASIIP. Based in Southend-on-Sea, Thames Delta, United Kingdom. ztownrock@gmail.com Languages: E, G, P
John, Karen, Ph.D. Psychologist, Consultant, Trainer, Adlerian Psychotherapist, Supervisor/ Language: E
Joosten, Theo. Educational Consultant. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of an educational organization. Treasurer and Board member of the Dutch Association of Individual Psychology (NWIP). Leeuwarden, Netherlands. Languages: D, E, G
Kearns, Dave, Msc., M.I.A.C.P, is a Family Therapist and Supervisor working in the Irish Health Service in Adult Psychiatry. Language: E
Kottman, Terry. PhD. Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor; Founder and Director, League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists; Author. Cedar Falls, IA, USA. www.adlerianplaytherapy.com Language: E
Landscheidt, Uti. Adlerian Counselor (DGIP), School Counselor. Adlerian workshops and workshops in art therapy. Private practice, Aachen and Krefeld, Germany. icassi@gmx.deLanguages: E, G.
Lee-Own, Kim, M.A., DipIIP, Cert AdlSup., Parent Coach/Therapist/Facilitator, Herefordshire, UK. https://www.heartfeltthinking.com. Language: E.
Levitt Frank, Mia. PhD. Adlerian Psychotherapist, Master Certified Coach and Supervisor. Director of the Adlerian of Coaching and faculty member of Adlerian School of Psychotherapy, Adler Institute, Israel. Languages: E, H
Lew, Amy, PhD, Adlerian psychotherapist working with individuals, couples and families. Trainer, supervisor/mentor, author. Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA. amylew@comcast.net Language: E
Millar, Anthea, M.A., Millar, Anthea, M.A. Senior Registered Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer. Vice-President Adlerian Society UK, Author, Co-Director: Cambridge Supervision Training Cambridge UK. www.cambridgesupervisiontraining.org Language E
Molan, Karen Coach/Therapist. Society of NLP Licensed Trainer, NLP Consultant. Tipperary, Ireland. Language: E
Oberst, Ursula, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain. Coordinator of the International Master’s in Adlerian Counseling (Blanquerna School of Psychology, Ramon Llull University). Psychotherapist and Couple and Family Counselor at the Institute Dr. Faust, Teknon Medical Center, Barcelona. www.oberst.es Languages: E, G, S, Cat, F.
O Keeffe, Sonya. Adlerian Psychologist and Supervisor. Art Group facilitator. Author. Language: E
Pacurar, Anda, M.A., Psychotherapist, ECP Holder, supervisor, instructor in Romanian Institute of Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy, www.psihocenter.ro Language: E, Ro, F
Popa, Andreea- Social Worker, Adlerian Psychotherapist, DIR Floortime Therapist, Bucharest, Romania. Languages: E, Ro.
Rasmussen, Paul, Ph.D, Psychologist, Consultant, Trainer, Author, Adlerian Psychotherapist and Supervisor, NASAP Diplomate. Columbia, South Carolina, USA. icassipr@gmail.com. Language: E.
Schläpfer, Christelle, M.A., former high school teacher, Adlerian Counsellor, Author, Trainer and Lecturer, Founder of edufamily® – education & counselling for schools & families. www.edufamily.ch Languages: G, F, S, E
Shaked, Anabella, Ph.D, MCC. Adlerian expressive psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice. Psychodramatist. Founder and teacher, the Adlerian School of Psychotherapy, and the School of Professional Coaching at the Adler Institute in Israel. Languages: E, S, H
Shoham. Noam, B.Ed.F.A. Geography and Hebrew Teacher and 9th grade Home-Room teacher at Hula-Valley High School. Sde-Nehemia, Upper Galilee, Israel. Languages: H, E, P, S
Shoham, Yoav, M.A., Shoham, Yoav, M.A., Educational Guidance and Counseling. Certified Psychotherapist, Adlerian Family and Couple Therapist in private practice. Certified Group Leader for parenting. Trainer for dealing with Self Curing of Trauma, CBT. Israel. Languages: H. E.
Sperry, Jon, Ph.D., Sperry, Jon. Ph.D., Dipl. Adlerian Psychology (NASAP). Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Lynn University. Co-Editor, Journal of Individual Psychology. Staff counselor at the Florida Atlantic University. Boca Raton, Florida, USA. www.drjonsperry.com Language: E
Tate, Bruce, MBACP (Registered and Accredited) Counsellor, psychotherapist and training facilitator. Co-ordinator of Adlerian training programme at Bottisham Village College, Cambridge, United Kingdom. www.brucetate.co.uk Language: English
Todorova, Vera. PhD candidate, Psychologist. Assistant professor of psychology, Trakia University, Bulgaria. Languages: B, E, basic R
Uzun, R. Bilge, Prof. Dr. Prof. at Bahcesehir University, department of Counselling Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey. She is Psychological Counsellor, Adlerian Psychotherapist, Psychodramatist, Mentor and Leader of Mindful Schools in Turkey. She is also founder of Mindful Schools Institute and president of Adler Institute Turkey.Languages: T, E, G
Verjee, Begum, Ed.D (Educational Leadership & Policy); M.Ed. (Counselling Psychology); ACC (Associate Certified Coach, International Coach Federation) https://www.begumverjee.com/; Provost & Professor; Adler Graduate Professional School, Toronto, Canada. bverjee@adler.ca. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/begumverjee
Williams, Hallie M., M.A.,Adlerian Counselor and Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Athletic Coach, St. Paul, MN, USA. halliesr@yahoo.com. Language E
Landscheidt, Sabine, M.A., LL.M., Political Scientist, Adlerian Coach. Administrator Berlin/Frankfurt, Germany.
Joseph A. Cice, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Hawaii Pacific University. Researcher. Assistant Administrator. Kailua Hawaii, USA
Beate Hertl, Administrative Support Person, German Speaking Contact Person, Graz, Austria